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Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Your Hair?

We used to think that drinking alcohol is glamorous, but when it comes to our health and appearance, insidious side effects of alcohol consumption is all but glamorous because alcohol destroys hair. What can our hair expect if we exaggerate with alcohol? Cracked ends are one of the ways how alcohol destroys hair. In the same way that alcohol can lead to dehydration of the skin, it also dries out our hair. The problem is that the dry hair is weak, fragile and more prone to the formation of cracked ends. Dehydration also leads to dandruff. There are at least 9 reasons why alcohol consumption leads to hair loss: 1. Hair loss because of the alcohol is mainly due to the fact that alcohol affects the level of estrogen in the body, which affects hair growth. Excessive alcohol consumption increases the level of estrogen, which leads to hair loss. 2. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a lack of zinc in the body, which is proven to lead to hair loss. Zinc is essential for healthy hair growth. 3. In addition to zinc, alcohol also reduces the amount of iron in the body, and both of these minerals participate in the formation of keratin that creates hair follicles. 4. Constant alcohol intake affects the reduction in the amount of vitamins B and C in our body. 5. It reduces the level of folic acid that keeps the body healthy and hair strong. 6. People who often consume alcohol rarely have a balanced diet, which also leads to the lack of some vitamins, all of which weaken the hair. 7. Many people who consume alcohol also smoke, and smoking has its own special ways to destroy our hair. 8. Alcohol also affects the quality of sleep, and lack of it leads to the stress. The relationship between stress and hair loss is well-known. 9. Alcohol destroys the liver, one of the most important organs in the body. The liver decomposes poisons and regulates the balance of hormones that can travel all over the body and lead to the miniaturization of the hair follicle and to the hair loss. Of course, all this happens only if it is exaggerated in alcohol consumption. There is only one way of preventing hair loss from drinking alcohol - stop drinking alcohol, or to reduce its amount. Then, compensate the lack of vitamins and start with the proper diet.

