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Reasons Why Split Ends Start and How To Resolve; Full Article!

What causes split ends? People usually try to find out the reason of their split ends but the fact is that they will never go away. You can only get rid of the split ends if you snip them off. You can do one thing and that is to prevent the split ends to occur. The split ends usually occur in the long hair. The reason is that the ends of the hair are older and thus they are prone to the split ends. The daily routine which includes the washing, styling, combing and applying the chemical treatments makes your hair cuticle and that is outside the proactive range of the hair. Once your cuticle gets damaged, the inner layer of the hair gets exposed directly and thus it becomes weak. They become dehydrated and thus they are damaged which results into the split end. But there is good news. It is that you can avoid the split ends and also have longer hair without even thinking about the split ends. Let us discuss some tips which can help you to avoid the split ends. Trimming: It does not matter that how your hair looks but the daily combing and washing causes the wear and tear to the hair and thus the splits ends cannot be prevented completely. But trimming can prove to be a beneficial point to control the split ends. You should make sure to make proper appointment for trimming and it should be scheduled almost every 8 weeks. A regular check is to be kept on the hair. If you feel that there is a single split end which is disturbing you then don’t worry. Just take scissor and cut them. When the split ends are left uncut they cause big issues. It worsens and reaches your hair roots thus damaging the hair. While you are removing the split ends make sure to use the sharp scissors and the ones which are meant especially for the haircuts. A blunt pair of scissors can cause to fray your ends and it can cause more split ends. Make sure that you cut the split end ¼ above the split ends. If you don’t cut in this manner then there are chances that the split ends will reappear. Apply oil: Another tip for avoiding split ends is to applying oil. Washing and applying shampoo to the hair can cause damage to them. When the hair get wet at the time of shampooing it absorbs a lot of water and also swells. In such state they are fragile and this it becomes easy to have splits. Applying oil can help in such case. Oil creates the protective sheath near your hair and thus it reduces the damage that is caused during the washing process. Moreover, oil also nourishes the hair and restores the moisture balance in the hair. There are some of the best oil treatments before shampoo and they are moroccan oil, jojoba oil, sesame oil, almond oil and coconut oil. Using the oil is very easy. You need to apply the oil of your choice and massage it carefully. Make sure that your apply oil on scalp and not on hair. Massage it slowly with the pads of the fingers. Finish the process by running your hands to your hair. Let it be for almost an hour and then wash your hair. Using leave in conditioner: Another tip is to apply the leave in conditioner. If you are having very bad split ends then you can use the leave in conditioner. This helps to protect the hair from the wear and tear which can be caused due to washing, combine and other factors like sun and cold winds. There is no need to find any fancy brands for conditioner. The natural conditioners that can be used are oil and plant butters. The best oil that can be used is the olive, almond and jojoba oil. The best butter that can be used is kokum, shea, aloe butter. You should take a small amount of the oil or butter and then rub it in your palms. Then apply to dry hair and focus more in the ends. This will smooth the frizz and the slit ends. Moreover, it will make your hair look shiny and beautiful. You should start with small amount of oil and butter and then add if needed as your hair should not look greasy. Drying hair properly: The way you dry your hair also helps in avoiding the split ends. You should dry hair gently. The wet hair is very fragile and they can get damaged easily. Thus you should treat your hair with great care. You should not rub your hair vigorously with the towel as it will create the twist and tangles in different directions. It will cause breakage and split ends. So you should gently dab the hair with the towel to remove the excess water. Use a soft cotton towel for drying hair. It causes less friction while drying and thus it will cause less damage. Moreover, cotton absorbs a good amount of water and it will dry the hair faster. You can wrap your hair in the cotton towel and leave for 5 to 10 minutes and then allow them to dry naturally. The hair will become smoother and healthy at the same time. Wide comb: Using a wide tooth comb can also help in preventing the split ends. The best way to detangle the hair when they are wet is using the wide tooth comb. Those combs are gentler. You should not tug the comb from root to the tip as it will cause the tough knots. In such cases the delicate ends are bashed to take comb bashing and this causes the air breakage and split ends. You should start from the ends and work upwards. When you get tangle stop at the time. Untangle the hair with your comb or your fingers and then continue. You can apply the leave in conditioner for the tangles. It will help to ease the tangles and also prevents the hair breakage. Try to avoid combing until your hair becomes dry. Don’t use heat appliances: The heat appliances are commonly used in current times. The most commonly used are the heat curlers and the blow dryers. They are bad for your hair. It is not that using an expensive har dryer will make them good. When you blow the hair dryer and apply the heat on hair it reduces the natural moisture in the hair and thus makes the hair dry and brittle. It also makes the hair rough. Using them constantly can cause the damage to hair and split ends. The best way to dry the hair should be drying it naturally. You should style with heat less instruments. It will make your hair look good and also feel your better. Moreover, they will allow you to have good hair for longer time. Protect hair: The natural elements like the sun, cold and wind also work against your hair. When your hair has long time exposure to the sun it causes damage to the hair making them dry. It causes breakage and also results into split ends. The cold winds also lead to harsh hair. Make sure that when you step out in sun and wind you protect your hair. You can wear a scarf, hair or cap as it will maintain the moisture of your hair. Your hair doesn’t need washing daily. SO don’t wash them daily and wash them a couple of time in a week. It will allow the scalp to get proper time to restore the natural oil. It makes a balance of oil in hair and thus makes your hair smooth and shiny. We also suggest using a heat thermal protection serum. Avoid hot showers: Hot showers are to be skipped. The hot water takes away the protective oils from the hair and thus you should prefer to use lukewarm water which is suitable for your hair and skin. Swimming protection: Before going for swimming, apply to your hair the olive oil or coconut oil as it will prevent any damage. Even if you are using the swim cap you should apply the oil for protection. Don’t back comb: Don’t back comb your hair as it causes a lot of damage to the hair. It can cause the breakage of hair and thus the split ends can occur. The most important tip is to be kind to your hair and they will return beautifully :)

