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Ways To Attract New Clients To Your Salon and Beauty Business

The best way to grow your salon or your hair extension business is by increasing the number of clients. You must have existing customers but until and unless you add new customers to the list your business will not grow. It may seem tough but not impossible. This article focus on 8 ways by which you can do that.

Have your own social following:Start with building your own social following. There are ways by which you can do that. The best way to reach any potential client is through social media as most people spend around 2 hours 25 minutes everyday on social media.

Do use listings: Earlier there were different listings where you could find a business. Things have changed now but not totally. Still there are different places where you can list your business and then get traffic to your website from there. There are different online listing sites that will help you get more phone calls. Use them!

Get a website that is attractive: If you do not have your business website yet then you are surely missing some clients. It’s necessary you design one immediately. If you already have a website but it is not delivering results as expected then it’s time to work on it now. Your website should be beautiful as you are in the aesthetic industry. How can a client have faith in you when they do not fine your website different?

Ensure search engine optimization: You cannot ignore the importance of SEO in todays life. Everyday there are more than 200,000 searches for “hair salons near me.” Thus, if you do not rank well in these search results there are little scope that somebody will turn to your business. Its best to take help from any SEO expert who will get you the required rank and of course lead the way to get new customers.

Use online advertising: Online world have opened up different cost effective way to advertise your salon. Different social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and others have various advertising options from where you can reach your customers.

Try to get reviews saying how great your services are:When your clients hear about you they need to be sure that they are at the right place. How can they be sure? By listening to someone who already had some experience with you. While choosing a local business most people read reviews by other users. If it is good they go with the service. So, rest is clear.

Local PR:The age old way of generating awareness about your business is by PR. You can build good reputation only with the help of it. Do not ignore this age old tactics. If possible have relation with local clubs and do different activities to be in mind of local people.

Have family and friend scheme:For building business referrals are also very useful, just like reviews. Have some scheme offering discount to your regular customers on their next visit if they can book services for their family members or friends.

